Contributing to GraphEPP

Code Contributions to GraphEPP should be made on on their own Git branches via a pull request to its dev branch. The pull request will first be reviewed and merged to dev and, after further evaluation, propagated to the main branch from where it can be included into an official release.

Development Environment

This project uses pipenv for setting up a stable development environment. The following assumes Python 3.8 and pipenv are installed on your system. You can set up the development environment like this:

git clone
cd graphepp
git checkout dev
pipenv sync --dev
pipenv run pre-commit install
pipenv shell

This clones the repository and installs the necessary tools and dependencies into a Python virtual environment, that is managed by pipenv. pipenv shell launches a new subshell with this virtual environment activated.


The GraphEPP repository on Github has number of workflows (Github Actions) for automatic checking, packaging and releasing of our Code.

  • Any commit to the repository will be subjected to code quality checks using pre-commit. This helps mitigate formatting disputes and common mistakes.

  • Any commit will be packages and uploaded to the test index as for development convenience. From there it can be installed with:

    pip install --pre -i graphepp
  • Any pull request will cause the unit tests in ./tests/ to be executed.

  • A push to the main branch will trigger the same checks as a pull request.

  • A push of a new version tag to main will trigger the same checks as a pull request would and cause the new version to be uploaded to the main Python Package Index at

If you have set up your development environment as described above, the code quality checks should run at every local commit. You can run them manually with:

pre-commit run --all-files

Skip individual checks with:

env SKIP=black,check-ast git commit -m 'some message'

Or skip the local checks alltogether:

git commit --no-verify -m 'some message'


We strongly encourage you to write tests and run them locally prior to any push to the Github repository. Tests are located in the ./tests/ directory and we use pytest as our testrunner.

The most common way to invoke pytest is by running:

pytest --log-level=DEBUG --log-cli-level=DEBUG --show-capture=all --maxfail 1 -k "equivalence or noisy"

in your development environment.

Some of the most common pytest options are:

  • -maxfail <number> stop after a number of failed tests

  • --pdb start a pdb debugger session where a test case failed

  • -k <erpressions> to run only cases with matching names or classes (partial matches are fine)

  • -m <markers> to run only marked tests (pytest --markers to show possible markers to mark cases with)

Logical operators like not, and and or can be used with markers and expressions. You can run exclusively those tests in individual files by passing their paths as arguments:

pytest ./tests/

But pytest is very good at auto-discovery.


The Documentation is hosted on readthedocs and build with Sphinx.

To get started:

The development environment described above, should have everything you need to build the documentation locally. Just run:

cd docs/
make html

And open ./docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser.


Packages can be manually build and uploaded with:

rm -rf ./dist/
python bdist_wheel
twine upload ./dist/graphepp-*.whl \
    --username __token__ --password "$(pass graphepp-pypi-token)" \

Where the --repository-url can be omitted for the main Python Package Index. We strongly recommend using a password manager like pass in the example or twine’s configuration file to manage the authentication token.